February 25th 2023
• Jaya Prisco • Suleiman Thomas •Saphire Gaskas • Anna Royals •

The product pride and artistry
And craftsmanship that used to be
Are vanishing before our eyes
As trash today’s consumer buys.
Creations that are works of art
In modern commerce have no part.
To businesses their sole concern
Is how much profit will it earn?
Plants manufacture at top speed
As quality gives way to greed.
The workmanship is sacrificed
In order to be lower priced.
So make things quick and make ’em cheap
To be replaced instead of keep.
Just throw away; don’t waste dispute.
Let’s landfills grow and seas pollute.
Then when extinct, we’ll leave behind
Just junk for future droids to find.
A plastic, wounded world will be
Our lasting, shameful legacy.