April 27th 2023
• Jaya Prisco • Alain Pottier • Amir Rezazadeh • Gloryce Dofeel • Renata Aliu • Tea • Anita • Natsumi • Nana Honda •

Calculators can replace mathematicians,
But can it replace the good old parody of how many apples Johnny was left with?
Emojis can replace a good night’s kiss,
But can it replace the human heart pounding at the speed of a hundred beats?
Video games can replace a long summer break,
But can it replace the sight of little kids bursting the bubbles and stomping in puddles?
Status updates can replace social gatherings,
But can it replace catching up on the latest family gossip around the dinner table?
Notifications can replace the sounds of everyday life,
But can it replace the sudden ringing of the doorbell when you’re expecting a loved one?
Auto-correct can replace mistakes,
But can it replace the widened eyes of your English teacher that would auto-correct your spellings?
AI can replace artists,
But can it replace the several years that it took to perfect one single masterpiece?
Tech can replace touch,
It can revolutionise the world as much;
But it can never replace the mind that reads,
The heart that feels
And the life that breathes.

• Garments and jewelley by Jaya Prisco

• Garments by Studio Cloudia

• Garments by Studio Cloudia

• Garments by Studio Cloudia

• Jewellery by Jaya Prisco